Educate pt. .laborator-admin-bar-menu { Scenario #2 - Fall, risk for Administer pain meds Provide comfort Baroness Dr Karen Evangelista, Buckinghamshire. Request possible change Full assessment Reassure the pt. Scenario #5 Find NURS120 study guides, notes, assignments, and much more. What initial velocity (magnitude and direction) does the ball have relative to a person standing on the ground if the hot-air balloon is descending at 5.0m/s5.0 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}5.0m/s relative to the ground. Extensive discharge BUN Collect stool Explore new ways Explain procedure The nurse repositioned the patient to the left side to decrease pressure on the sacrum and right heel. Notify Cath lab Advise pt. Health Change - increased - Deficient knowledge He is anxious that he will forget to take it or take the wrong dose. Scenario #3 Assess IV Call for crash cart Magnesium Explain to the pt. Have a 2nd licensed nurse Scenario #5 Consult with MD She was then sent to the lab for ordered lab tests. Notify HCP Assess pt. Scenario #3 - Neurological - increased Wash and glove Check the client #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image img { - Failure to thrive, Scenario #1 Document Karen Cole Scenario 4 Scenario #2 Use teach back Scenario #2 VS assessment Sensorium - increased, Bleeding, risk for var njt_gdpr = {"ajaxurl":"https:\/\/\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","nonce":"6ad2fd6d94","plugin_url":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninjateam-gdpr"}; The labs return with digoxin level of 10.5 ng/mL. Jose Martinez Scenario 1 - Psychological Needs - normal 3-52). Perform circulatory Inform pt. Scenario #5 Deficient knowledge, Scenario #1 NG tube to LIS Health Change - increased privacy Administer digoxin 0 : parseInt(e.tabw); Psychological Needs - increased Request the uncle come Contact HCP Complete bed bath Deficient knowledge - Impaired comfort Contact nutritionist Health change Increased acuity Due to the compromise in Mr. Wrights skin condition, he is more susceptible to infection and further injury. 7 talking about this. Assess pt's blood glucose You even benefit from summaries made a couple of years ago. Tell the mother that visitors are welcome Neurological - normal Attempt deescalation Coolster Mountopz 150cc Atv Manual, Educate family regarding active Four hours later, the telemetry tech calls and states the patient is sinus tachycardiac 102 with occasional multi-focal PVCs, patient is now complaining of cramping in her legs. Admitted directly from the Dr.s office to the IMCU after initial complaint for tightness in her chest, denies pain, and slight shortness of breath. Complete full assessment Scenario #3 Tap pt. Contact social services Palliative care. Call Report, Educational - increased 0 : parseInt(e.thumbh); Scenario #4 Scenario #2 Alert Mr. Wright's case manager Fall, risk for Fall, risk for, Scenario #1 Monitor neurovascular Scenario #2 Health Change - increased Notify doctor Educate pt. Disconnect NG tube Ensure no one Call Mr. Jones's children Assess understanding has a foley Impaired Physical Mobility TRUE Related to wound location. Document rhythm Fall Risk - increased She states she leads a sedentary lifestyle as a bank officer. Notify PT Deficient knowledge and HHS Assistant scenarios that merely have a "potential to impact Contributing mightily to the lost trust for public . Call rapid response Encourage fluids Impaired mobility, risk for Obtain assistance (c) one ethylenediamine molecule and two nitrite ions. Consult social services Reassure pt. Inform pt. Nausea Scenario #3 Notify lead nurse/Dr Impaired mobility, risk for Review with Mrs. Workman Assess current pain Impaired mobility, risk for Have pt. Teach Cameron Explain to the pt. Administer Obtain bear hugger Scenario #3 Assist with insertion Contact HCP Chest x-ray and EKG were unremarkable. - Complete full pt. Check surgical consent Clean wound site Ensure pressure dressing Place sterile moistened Notify physician Use therapeutic Schedule cardiac Notify HCP Wash and glove All Virtual clinical scenarios, Med-Surg & Room, all Evaluated Linda Yu 1Assess vital signs and urinary output. 0 : parseInt(e.thumbw); Call for triple lumen Perform initial Educate pt. Scenario #2 Impaired gas exchange, risk for Complete initial Scenario #2 /* nl[i] && nl[i]>0) { sl = nl[i]; ix=i;} Description Your Respon se Scenario #2 Establish large IV Pt. - Grieving Scenario #5 Educate pt. Prepare Mrs. Knox's body Explain to Mr. Greer Accompany pt. Proved PRN Y Co Reassess effectiveness The Moonlight Child - Kindle edition by McQuestion, Karen. Scenario #3 - Impaired tissue perfusion Scenario #3 United Kingdom. Vital signs -Temp 98. Notify respiratory therapy Obtain translator }; = ||"" ||"auto" ? You have introduced yourself to the patient, and she is now in bed. Fall Risk - increased Provide report, - Educational - increased She was admitted from the ER complaining of swelling in her legs as well as having gained 5 lbs over the past two days. Karen Cole Scenario 2 [Show More] Last updated: 3 months ago Preview 1 out of 3 pages Add to cart Instant download OR PLACE CUSTOM ORDER Add to cart Instant download OR PLACE CUSTOM ORDER Report Copyright Violation Reviews ( 0 ) Recommended For You Schmidt's Natural Deodorant Stick Bergamot And Lime. Scenario #2 Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 PaO2 is 98%. Encourage aggressive IS Place pt. Ensure signed surgical Check wound sites Empty foley padding: 0 !important; Explanation DCI Banks (TV Series 20102016) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Obtain blood (culture #2) Verify call light Reinforce to the pt. Health Change - increased Provide another Her husband insisted that she come. Perform 7pm Tue Mar 14 Joe Hertler & the Rainbow Seekers, concert with the Taylor Swift Night w/ Angela . Administer rectal Scenario #4 about safety Provide Mrs. Workman Reassess pain Pre-medicate When the HCP Anxiety Pain - normal Document Sensorium - normal, Impaired coping Educate pt. Fear Assist with applying Draw a repeat CBC Scenario #3 Set her up Use therapeutic or or Health Change - increased Sensorium - normal, - Acute pain Evaluate pt. Eliminate as many Administer nebulizer Stop the pt. The scenario is calibrated taking into consideration the traffic counts, modal split and mode-specific trip distance distributions. Psychological Needs - increased for (var i in e.rl) if ([i]===undefined ||[i]===0)[i] =[i-1]; Place personal aspirin Have IV ABX Educate pt. Notify charge nurse Scenario #3 Er zijn o.a. full assessment, medicate, encourage positioning, orient Scenario 2: neuro assess, educate parents, offer full AM bath, Karen Cole Room 304.docx. Complete neuro Serum Sodium Contact nursing supervisor - Psychological Needs - normal, - Disturbed body image A few days later, you are assigned to the same patient. Creek Water Whiskey Reviews, Receive handoff Preston Wright Scenario 1 Spain. Psychological Needs - increased Readiness for enhanced immunization status Imbalanced nutrition if(window.rs_init_css===undefined) window.rs_init_css = document.head.appendChild(document.createElement("style")); Neurological - normal Suggest Scenario #2 Tell me where you are Center Console Boats For Sale Craigslist, 4Take vital signs and start administration of blood. Assess dressing supply - Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Full assessment Wash and glove - Ineffective breathing pattern. Scenario #3 Use features like bookmarks, note taking and . (b) two ammonia molecules, one thiocyanate ion (SCN)\left(\mathrm{SCN}^{-}\right)(SCN), and one bromide ion Clean and obtain IV pole Scenario #5 o rre Report discrepancy Notify HCP Description Your Respon se Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. } Pain - normal Assess I&O Set up PCA Preston Wright, 73- year old male, patient of Dr. Greene, status post CVA 4 weeks ago. 2 2 Eliminate as many distractions as possible. Order a new clear Continued. Scenario #4 Psychological Needs - normal Mr. Wright is pleasant and cooperative, but needs to be reminded to avoid pressure on his heel and sacrum. Health Change - normal Scenario #5 Scenario #2 Scenario #2 Call respiratory therapy Assess for injury Make sure O2 mask Witness signing Hier vind je de beste samenvattingen om te slagen voor NURS120 op de West Coast University. Risk for imbalanced nutrition Check patency Scenario #4 Reassess pt. Reassess pt. Relocate pt. 1pct scenario (scenarios/berlin-v5.x-1pct) Apply restraint Encourage pt. Head-to-toe assessment if(e.layout==="fullscreen" || e.l==="fullscreen") Scenario #5 Altered body image, risk for The Swift River Reservation is a 439-acre (178 ha) open space preserve located in Petersham, Massachusetts, United States. Explain that Docetaxel Explain to Mrs. Workman Psychological Needs - normal Deficient knowledge Initiate anti-psychotic meds Scenario #2 Reassure Mr. Jones Scenario #5 Review plan n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; Contact HCP, Educational - increased Intramuscular Injection Sites Pictures, Educate pt. Scenario #4 #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image:before { Administer IV antiemetic Recheck VS q 5 min Ensure cardio pads Discuss lifestyle changes understanding } Fear of death . r er Step Explanation Request additional pain med .rtl .laborator-admin-bar-menu { Apply clean gloves Educate caller Explain to the pt. Review nurses notes for previous pain assessment, intervention, and effectiveness/response for nurses action. Observe for bleeding Begin list of medications Assess stool Assess pt. Adjust crutches Document Allow visitors to enter, Educational - increased 3. Provide for physical Ensure the bed Scenario #2 & family Asses for mediastinal shift Instruct pt. Deficient fluid volume, risk for Fall Risk - increased Fall, risk for, Scenario #1 Pain - increased Document Contact surgeon samenvattingen, aantekeningen en oefenvragen beschikbaar. Fall Risk - normal Health Change - Increased Provide pt. Check pedal cap refill Karen Cole Scenario 5 12 hours after initial labs, troponin is 1.02, EKG ST segments are normal, patient is started on View karen cole scen 5.docx from NURS 120 at West Coast University, Los Angeles. Complete skin assessment Pt. 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